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What is the best lightweight water filtration system for hiking?

What is the most recommended water filtration unit that is the best to use for long day hikes?

1 Answer


Depends on how much water you need to process, but overall the Platypus GravityWorks 4 L Complete Water Filter Kit is a pretty great water filter that's extremely light weight, and can be used for both hiking or camping. It's gravity fed, so it's going to take a bit longer to filter water than a pumping style water filtration system like the Katadyn Vario Water Filter, but the Katadyn Vario is heavier and bulkier to carry in a backpack.

Light water filters for hiking that are worth check out are the following:

1. Platypus GravityWorks 4 L Complete Water Filter Kit
2. LifeStraw Personal Water Filter Hiking, Camping, Travel Emergency Preparedness
3. Katadyn Pocket Microfilter

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