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Can I sleep without the brace after surgery and how to get comfortable and use pillows?

Can I sleep without the brace after surgery and how to get comfortable and use pillows.

This knee surgery has been very difficult for me I really wasn't explaining much about it I just jumped into the surgery had the surgery and was sent home with a sheet of paper that told me I could bare away this tolerate it and to shower with a trash bag over my leg. I returned to have the stitches taken out they unlocked my brace and sent me on my way and told me to sign up for physical therapy. I had my surgery on the 7th today is the 25th my first question is when can I sleep without this brace on.

My second question is is how do you use the pillows and getting comfortable can I sleep on my side? My third question is does anyone else experience numbness still this far after the surgery?

1 Answer


I slept with the knee brace locked for 8 to 9 weeks... (not everyone keeps it on that long or keeps it locked while sleeping). I'd ask your doctor for what they recommend.

You'll likely have numbness for many weeks / months / first year. You just had major surgery, so don't think the pain / numbness will go away anytime soon. Use a knee pillow when sleeping on your side.. (I still use a knee pillow, years later on occasion).

You just had major surgery, so don't think the pain / numbness will go away anytime soon. Use a knee pillow when sleeping on your side.. (I still use a knee pillow, years later on occasion).

If you are not already in physical therapy, you need to be in physical therapy NOW, I was in PT like 2 days later after surgery. Don't wait... or else you will be worse off the rest of you life.

Read through this article I wrote and all the comments to get a better understanding of everything:

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