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Which side of the Therm-a-Rest Z Lite SOL Sleeping Pad should face up, Yellow or Silver?

Which side of the Therm-a-Rest Z Lite SOL Sleeping Pad should you sleep on to stay the warmest?  Do you want to sleep on the Silver side, or Yellow side?  Which side should be touching the ground?

2 Answers


You want the Silver side up, Yellow side down on the ground.

It's best to have the Yellow side of the Therm-a-Rest Z Lite Sol pad facing/touching the ground, and the Silver side facing your body in order to better reflect heat back up towards your body.

I would guess that since thermarest molded the name on the silver side they intended that to be the top. But unless the silver is a metallic paint then it just doesnt matter which side is down since light obsorbtion is what dictates heat.

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