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How is the Mountain Equipment K7 Down Jacket sized?

Trying to decide what size Men's Mountain Equipment K7 Down Jacket I should get? What size Mountain Equipment K7 jacket do you recommend for someone over 6 ft tall, and 180 lbs?

1 Answer


I'm 6' 2" and around 175 to 180lbs, and I would recommend and own the X-Large sized Mountain Equipment K7 jacket.

I've tried on the (large) K7 jacket and it was really snug around the waist and way too tight in the arm pits (had to return it). While I could wear a fleece and multiple layers with the large size, it was harder to zip up when a Nalgene bottle was stashed in the inside pocket. But ultimately, the fit under the arm pits were way too tight and uncomfortable for my liking in the large, so I'd go with an X-Large if you're over 6 ft tall and weigh 175lbs or more and want to wear multiple layers underneath. 

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