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How do you carry Crampons on your backpack?

So for all of you who carry crampons in the backcountry, how do you store them? Do you keep them on the outside of a pack exposed, inside your pack in a crampon bag or wrapped in spare clothes? I'm looking for the best way to do this so I don't poke holes in my bag or myself.

2 Answers


I use the ragged mountain crampon holder, which can be "lashed" to the outside of your pack, or you can also use it on the inside of a pack. It's economical and has held up exceptionally well.


There a number of packs that have a crampon pouch built into the outside of the backpack. Here are a few that hold both crampons and skis:

You can also just get a crampon bag and store the crampons inside your pack.

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