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What is the best inflatable backpacking pillow?

Which is the most comfortable inflatable camping pillow to use while backpacking? I'm looking for a lightweight sleeping pillow that won't take up much room in a pack?

1 Answer


For pillow to use when backpacking, where weight matters here are a few of the highest rated inflatable pillows priced from lowest to highest:

1) Trekology Ultralight Inflating Travel / Camping Pillows ($14.99) :: Size: 16 x 12 x 4 inches folds down to 5x2 inches :: Weighs: 2.75oz (78g)

2) Sea To Summit Aeros Pillow Premium Regular ($35.99) :: Size: 14 x 10 x 5 in. Weighs (2.80oz / 79g)

3) NEMO Equipment Inc. Fillo Elite Pillow ($39.95) :: Size: 10.5 x 15.5 x 3 in Weighs 2.8 oz. and collapsing to the size of a tennis ball

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