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Best Ways to Treat Water while camping?

What are the different ways you can treat water to remove pathogens while hiking or camping?

1 Answer


Water Treatment Methods

  • Boiling - is effective against all pathogens, but is slow, can be inconvenient. Requires fuel / fire. Water can taste flat. For ease of use while camping use a Jetboil.
  • Iodine - is effective against bacteria and viruses. Also effective against Giardia, but requires soak time (not effective against Cyclosporum).  Requires soak time, so it's slow to treat water. Water can have disagreeable taste. Lightweight and compact. Not for people with iodine allergy or active thyroid disease.  Combine with filtration to protect against all pathogens. See: Iodine tablets water purification
  • Chlorine - is effective against bacteria and viruses. Also effective against Giardia, but requires soak time (not effective against Cyclosporum oor Cryptosporidium). Requires waiting time to treat water. Water can have disagreeable taste.  Lightweight and compact. Combine with filtration to protect against all pathogens.
  • Chlorine dioxide - is effective against all pathogens. Is lightweight and compact. Water taste is NOT altered, but requires waiting time. See: Chlorine Dioxide Water Purification Tablets
  • Water Filtration - is very effective against large parasites. Effectiveness against bacteria depends on filters pore size. It is not effective against viruses. It's quick and water taste is not altered. Water filtration systems are expensive, bulky, heavy and may clog or break. See: Katadyn Vario Water Filter, Sawyer Products Mini Water Filtration System, or Platypus GravityWorks 4.0L Filter System

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