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How long does it take Custom Built Wheels to ship from Chain Reaction Cycles?

I ordered Custom Built Wheels from and was wondering how long they typically take to ship out after placing your order from CRC?

2 Answers


A custom wheel order from will usually takes about 1 to 2 weeks after placing your order to receive in the United States when shipped out via ParcelForce (the package will be handed off to the USPS Priority Mail Express International™ for final delivery)

Recent Order:
Custom Wheel Order placed: 9/8/2016  (Thursday)
Parcelforce Prepared for export: 9/13/2016
Exported from the UK: 9/14/2016
Arrived in destination country: 9/15/2016
Delivered by USPS (signature): 9/16/2016 (Friday)


I recently placed just a regular order for bike gear that was in-stock from Chain Reaction Cycles and it took only 4 days for me to receive the package (shipped to the U.S.)  That's really quick considering the order was coming from overseas and has to go through customs. It was delivered by DHL (signature required, which I waived and DHL just left the delivery on my front porch.

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