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How can I keep my Inflated sleeping pad from slipping off foam pad when using both cold weather camping?

What can I do to keep my inflated sleeping pad from slipping off my foam pad when using both pads together while sleeping in cold weather. Do you know of a solution to keep them from slipping?

1 Answer


Here's a few options to try if your inflatable pad slips off your foam pad:

  1. Put your inflatable pad can inside your sleeping bag if it can fit.
  2. Get a Big Agnes sleeping bag which has a 2” aircoil mattress that inserts into a sleeve in the bottom of the bag.
  3. Get some sticky sided Velcro, and place on the four corners of the inflatable pad and the foam pad.
  4. Cover the inflatable pad with a t-shirt. This will keep pads and sleeping bag from slipping.
  5. Get some light resistance bands and wrap the inflatable pad with the foam pad.
  6. Duct tape...

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