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What is the Best floor Tire Bike Pump?

What's the best rated floor standing bike pump I can get to pump up mountain bike tires?

1 Answer


If you're going to be pumping up tubeless mountain bike tires and don't have an air compressor, than you'll definitely want to get the Topeak Joe Blow Booster Floor Pump, otherwise the Topeak Sport II Floor Pump is a great all around bike tire pump

1) Topeak Joe Blow Booster Floor Pump - The JoeBlow Booster pump just made it easier to install tubeless tires. No more frustrating leaks because you can’t pump up your tire fast enough to get an effective rim seal.

2) Topeak Sport II Floor Pump - It is a great all around bike pump for the price. It has a clear gauge for reading tire pressure. It also has a double head, that can pump up tires with Presta valve internals on one side and Schrader valve internals on the other, this easy-to-use dual pump head design makes tire inflation chores a snap. No adapters or swapping out pump head parts, simply choose the side you want, press onto valve stem, flip the locking lever and start pumping

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