The Shadow Campaign // Sanctuary from DPS Skis

by Updated February 11, 2015

Heavy sun and low snow has left Valle Nevado ski area reduced to bare rock, a lost season. Lifts shut down and skiers flee towards Santiago in droves. Hot tubs and pisco prevail for the DPS crew. But one morning they awake to find condors filling the sky--scavenging to prepare for an oncoming storm. While the resort hunkers down and weathers the whiteout, they disappear into clouds that boil with a meter of snow. The desert becomes an ethereal sanctuary, dissolving into the sky.

The Shadow Campaign: 4 Short Films, Coming Fall 2014.
Valle Nevado - Mt. Baker - Refugio Frey - Baldface.

Presented by DPS Cinematic, in association with Outdoor Research and Gore-Tex:

Featuring: Piers Solomon, Olof Larsson, Zack Giffin, and Santiago Guzman.

Directed and edited by Ben Sturgulewski // Sturgefilm

Shot by Ben Sturgulewski and Dan Pizza



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