Return to Send'er - Matchstick Productions Official Trailer



The skills, backstories and mindsets of four elite freeskiers—a renowned veteran, a stunning rookie, a mind-blowing innovator and a big mountain star carrying on his father’s legacy—are all captured in oversized personal segments based largely around each skier’s home turf.

Each skier brings a different style and outlook to the table, but they all have one thing in common: they love to send’er. The body of the movie showcases some of the most progressive big and small mountain skiing filmed to date, and setting the stage for the end of the season when all four skiers unite for the mother of all heliskiing trips.
Starring: Mark Abma, Karl Fostvedt, Sam Kuch and Logan Pehota

Also Featuring: Eric Hjorleifson, Chris Rubens, Trace Cooke, Lucas Wachs, John Ware, Teton Brown, Eric Pehota

Shot on Location: Selkirk Tangiers BC, Whistler BC, Revelstoke BC, Jackson Hole WY, Squaw Valley CA, Sun Valley ID and Whitewater Resort BC.



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