'Huckerman' Ravine -- Head Stomping Icefall Crash in Tucks

The Icefall Huck in Tuckerman Ravine
by Updated April 21, 2015

Tuckerman Ravine 4/19/15 Icefall Huck

So far, this past sunday was the biggest day of the year in Tuck's with a reported 2,800 skiers, boarders, and hikers making the trek into the Ravine.It was also reported that two lovely ladies bared it all and skied down the bowl in their birthday suit (sorry no highlight video).

While that may have been the highlight for some in the bowl yesterday, this HUGE Huck off The Icefall to major compression crash is right up there with some of the best crashes witnessed in Tuckerman Ravine.

Really not sure how this dude managed to get up after completely blowing up on impact and smacking his head on the snow before tomahawking. The dude definitely stomped the landing... "with the back of his head."  Just hearing the loud sound of his head smacking the hard snow from the other side of the bowl gives me a concussion. FCKNA!  Glad he got up and seemed to be all good after this one!



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