[Full Movie] TWENTY - An Accidental History of Freeriding

TWENTY is the culmination of twenty years of big mountain filming, and raises the question of ‘is it worth it?’

TWENTY - An accidental history of freeriding by Guido Perrini

TWENTY is the culmination of twenty years of big mountain filming, and raises the question of ‘is it worth it?’

While documenting the evolution of this sport many of the characters have witnessed first hand the power and destruction of the mountain, Guido as well as other central characters struggle to come to terms with the reality and the dangers.

TWENTY also highlights the positives of big mountain riding and why the characters return to it, time after time, even after tragedy strikes. Over 10 chapters TWENTY is a visual journey of one of the most exhilarating sports today, progressing beyond anyone’s imagination. (French subtitles available)

Follow up to the film TEN: https://vimeo.com/2492092


Starring Xavier De Le Rue, Samuel Anthamatten, Jeremie Heitz, Nicolas Falquet, Geraldine Fasnacht, Andreas Fransson, Estelle Balet, Leo Slemett, Markus Eder, et.al



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