[Full Movie] Mountains Are Calling - Skiing Bottomless BC POW


Mountains Are Calling - Skiing Bottomless BC POW w/ Dane Tudor

Check out the story: http://bit.ly/MtnsAreCalling

Dane Tudor and Simon Hillis take an introspective look at one’s attraction to the mountains, different types of snow conditions and terrain as they explore the mountains of British Columbia. The Mountains Are Calling explores the breathtaking valleys and peaks of the Central Kootenay’s in Beautiful British Columbia.

Professional skier Dane Tudor and the young up and coming talent Simon Hillis take a six-week journey in Dane’s custom expedition trailer. Dane and Simon bring together their versatile skiing abilities riding untouched powder at the local secret spots while taking an introspective look at one’s attraction to the mountains, different types of snow conditions and terrain. The film was designed and created by Dane who has always had a desire to create a film based on his passion for the mountains.



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