[Full Movie] Mission Steeps w/ Xavier De Le Rue and Sam Anthamatten


Mission Steeps from Timeline Missions

Xavier De Le Rue and Sam Anthamatten are known for bringing speed and fluidity into the big mountain environment.

Following Mission Antarctic, Mission Steeps is the second chapter of the Mission Series. Watch some of the most progressive riders on their way to re define steeps riding on breath-taking terrain and challenging conditions, as relevant today as when it was filmed in 2013. Mission Steeps is not only a quest to the most radical terrain but also a journey and documentary on how to get there and a singular approach to the mountain.

Starring: Xavier de Le Rue, Samuel Anthamatten and Andreas Fransson as guest.

Production: Timeline Missions DOP: Guido Perrini Still Photography: Tero Repo Thanks to: The North Face and Swatch

Shot in the area of Zermatt, Chamonix and Haines, AK



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