Devotion - Official 2014 Ski Trailer from PaniertnCircus

Ski movie Devotion filmed in Tyrol.

Despite the lack of snow PaniertnCircus 'PC' Productions was able to get some urban and also some backcountry shots and, of course, filmed a lot in several terrain parks all across Tyrol. "Devotion" should give you a slight view in the life of a group of young progressive skiers and show the fun we have eveyday when we are out there. Skiing isn't just a sport for them, it's our way of living, our DEVOTION.


Tyrol, Austria

Featured Athletes

Lukas Cairns, Mario Gugglberger, Christoph Kaar, Philipp Kaar, Florian Haberl, Patrick Concha, Alex Haas, Mani Eder 



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